There is no exact calculation for sizing a dance floor. As a rule of thumb, dance floor manufactures
recommend 2 to 4 square feet per dancer (for modern dance). Usually, not all guests dance at once.
Some crowds have a higher percentage of the total guests that will dance at once than others. If you
feel that you will have large amount of quests dancing at once you should have a larger floor.
12X12 or 144 square feet-up to 60 guests total
16X16 or 256 square feet-up to 100 guests total
18X18 or 324 square feet-up to 140 quests total
18X20 or 360 square feet-up to 160 quests total
20X20 or 400 square feet-up to 180 guests total
20X22 or 440 square feet-up to 210 guests total
22X22 or 484 square feet-up to 240 guests total

If your calculating the space needed for each dance floor add 3 feet onto
each dimension. This gives area for dance floor trim and some space
between seating and the dance floor.

Example: 12X12 dance floor add 3 feet to each dimension
15X15= 225 square feet needed under tent

These recommendations are based on feed back from past customers
and our
own experience with putting on large parties. These size floors
will only accommodate a percentage of the total guests. Again, if you
have large dance crowd think bigger.
Sunshine Tent & Party provides quality party and event rental services in the Southern New England region. (see: Tent Rentals Rhode Island,
Connecticut, New Hampshire, Massachusetts) We are a full service rental company that is family owned and operated. Our product lines include
party tents, dance floors, tent flooing, tables, chairs, linens.

Our new line of custom made
sail clothe fabric high peak tents create romantic lighting effect without the negatives of additional center poles.
These tents also have valances that help keep rain and wind from spoiling your party.
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© 2020 | All Rights Reserved Sunshine Tent Rentals | The content of this site may not be reproduced, distributed,or otherwise used without
written permission from Sunshine Tent Rentals|
The party below had a 16X16 dance floor for 80 guests